Strengthening Partnerships and Client Success

Explore The Power of Webinars

let's showcase your success stories

Let's spead the word of your success!

There’s immense potential in bringing agencies, their expertise, and their brands together through a webinar series. They allow you to talk about problems, how you solved them and what the outcomes were. These webinars are a perfect opportunity to demostrate the reasons why more brands and agencies should be working with you.

This collaborative approach helps to create a win-win situation for everyone involved. The agency gets to talk about their success and how they have helped the brand deliver. 

Through your LinkedIn Outreach campaign we’ll be able to invite existing agency partners and new partners to join you.

helping you to build trust & authority

Demonstrate your success stories

raise brand awareness through webinars

The power of a webinar

By organising webinars with agencies and their brands which you have worked with together, you create a collaborative space for knowledge sharing, lead generation, and overall business growth. It’s a strategic approach that benefits all parties involved.

There are benefits for the agency, the brand and yourselves too.

this is an exciting time!

Overall Advantages

Cost-Effectiveness: Webinars offer a much more affordable way to reach a large audience compared to traditional in-person events.

Measurable Results: You can track webinar attendance, engagement metrics, and lead generation to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns and tailor future sessions accordingly.

Content Repurposing: Recordings can be repurposed into bite-sized content for social media, blog posts, or future training materials, maximising the value you get from each session.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You'll create the session and the event on LinkedIn and we'll send some invites to agencies we know. 


The webinar session will be created on your LinkedIn profile.

Typically, a webinar session would last around 45 minutes.

There are lots of great applications online for you to host your webinar.


Here is a useful link to a website that lists applications which you could possibly explore.



This is a question which many ask us but it's impossible to answer.


It really depends on the title, the agenda, the audience and the timing of the event too.


It also depends on how you promote it, and the engagement you have prior to event taking place. We can provide some insights and tips, if needed.

Yes, but we can't promise that they will watch as people are busy. 


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Office Address

Emstrey House ( North), Shrewsbury Business Park, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom, SY2 6LG


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